For dirt bikers who relish the thrill of exploring the great outdoors on multi-use trails, stands as a beacon of hope and restoration. This non-profit organization is dedicated to protecting and restoring sustainable trail recreation from the adverse impacts of intense wildfires and other natural disasters. For dirt biking enthusiasts, understanding what does and how they can contribute is key to preserving the trails they love.

What Does:

  1. Trail Restoration: collaborates with land managers, volunteers, and various stakeholders to repair trails and multi-use infrastructure damaged by wildfires and natural disasters. This includes activities like clearing debris, removing hazards, and improving drainage to ensure the trails remain safe and accessible.
  2. Education & Outreach: provides valuable educational resources and outreach programs to multi-use trail enthusiasts, land managers, and stakeholders. These resources aim to promote responsible trail activities and raise awareness about the importance of preserving sustainable recreation opportunities.
  3. Advocacy: The organization actively advocates for policies and programs supporting sustainable multi-use trail recreation. This includes pushing for increased funding for trail maintenance and restoration, as well as improved access to public lands for dirt bikers and other outdoor enthusiasts.
  4. Partnership Building: builds partnerships with non-profit organizations, government agencies, and businesses to create coalitions working collaboratively towards their mission. These partnerships enhance the organization’s reach and effectiveness in trail preservation efforts.

How You Can Help: emphasizes the crucial role volunteers play in achieving its mission. Dirt biking enthusiasts can contribute in various ways:

  1. Trail Restoration: Volunteers can actively participate in trail restoration projects, assisting in clearing debris, removing hazards, and repairing damaged trails.
  2. Outreach and Education: Spread the word about through various channels, including social media, events, and other communication platforms.
  3. Fundraising: Help raise funds to support the organization’s work by organizing events, seeking donations, and participating in fundraising campaigns.
  4. Administrative Support: Assist with administrative tasks such as data entry, filing, and organizing documents to streamline the organization’s operations.
  5. Advocacy: Become an advocate for’s mission by reaching out to elected officials, attending meetings, and speaking on behalf of the organization.

Why Volunteer:

Volunteering with offers numerous benefits:

  • Making a Difference: Contribute to a cause that matters and make a positive impact on sustainable trail recreation.
  • Personal Growth: Develop new skills, expand your network, and gain valuable work experience.
  • Building Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.
  • Improving Mental Health: Experience the positive effects of volunteering on mental health, reducing stress and depression.
  • Giving Back: Have the opportunity to give back to the community and make a lasting impact on society.

The Importance of Partnerships: acknowledges that its mission is a collective effort, and partnerships are essential for success. These partnerships provide vital resources, including funding, equipment, expertise, and manpower. Collaborating with partners ensures the efficient and effective achievement of goals, making a significant positive impact on OHV recreation preservation.

How You Can Help as a Partner or Sponsor: invites individuals and organizations to become partners or sponsors. By joining forces, we can deploy fully equipped rapid response strike teams to address the devastating effects of intense wildfires on recreation facilities, outdoor opportunities, and rural communities. For information on partnership opportunities, contact at [email protected].


Dirt bikers, your trails need you! Join in their mission to protect and restore sustainable multi-use trail recreation. Whether through volunteering, advocacy, or partnerships, your involvement can make a lasting impact, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the thrill of dirt biking on safe and well-preserved trails.


Mail: PO BOX 511243, Penngrove, CA 94951